In diary

A little about my tattoo

 So today's post is a request. I haven't been able to take a nicer photo and the tattoo is currently waiting to be touched up on in September, so I'll post a nicer photo once it is done. 

I've always been a huge fan of tattoos and if I could, I would probably do as many tattoos as I'd like. There are many people that would warn you of thinking twice before choosing a tattoo, after all it's something permanent. But, that is what I liked about tattoos. 

In life, your decisions, your choices, your words, those are things that are permanent and does permanent changes to your life. Yet, we don't think twice about our words or actions but we warn people about 'tattoos' that as permanent as they are, can still be removed by laser. Perhaps it’s because of that, I fell in love with this visible permanence. Your decisions, choices and words can be covered up in lies, hidden if you grew ashamed of it in later date. Yet, your tattoos that you choose to ink, would be something you hold and show, no matter whether down the road you grew ashamed of it or not. And if you should choose to remove an ink, it wouldn’t be easily covered up and there would be a scar too. So, if you choose to make something permanent, a choice, why would you be scared about showing it as an ink?

My first tattoo design was done by an artist that I truly look up to and her design is exactly what I was looking for. I’ve chose a typical dreamcatcher, albeit it holds different meaning for me. As I grew up, I’ve seen so many people give up on their dreams and even I myself at many points in life, give in to the nightmare and forget about our beautiful dreams. To me, a dreamcatcher symbolizes how I have no intention to give in to nightmares and all the intention to continue following my dreams.

I’ve also requested for my dreamcatcher to be combined with a rose and the words “nothing worth achieving, ever comes easy”. The rose symbolizes the beauty of the dream and we all know roses have its thorns. To reach the beautiful rose (the dream) we’ll have to go through several obstacles (the thorns). The phrase itself is something I truly believe in. If you’re given whatever you want on a platter, easily gotten, you would never treasure the item/experience and never truly understand the value. Only when you’ve worked hard and gone through hardships for that item or goal or dream, that you truly understand how much it means to you. During these hard times, your determination to reach the end would be tried and tested. Only when you pulled through to the end, that you truly treasure what you’ve attained.

My ideas for my first tattoo are something I hold dear to my heart as there are several times in life I go through hardships and I tend to be weak. Maybe it’s the need to have something permanent and unchangeable too. I wish for me to always truly believe in my dreams and not be afraid to work hard for what I want.

That’s just the first tattoo though, a second one might come along soon~

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